What if you can’t bring the man to the mountain?
We try and bring the mountain to the man, right?
Harm Reduction Syringe Exchange
HARM REDUCTION: As part of our overall Harm Reduction Program, the Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) offers safer sex supplies, clean syringes, wound care, Narcan, Fentanyl and Xylazine test strips, and overdose prevention education. As an exchange, community members are encouraged to drop-off used syringes to be disposed of properly. Our street outreach team provides services in Niagara County, creating and building relationships with those in need through non-judgmental conversation, providing harm reduction education and supplies, and seeking to learn more about the challenges facing the local community. The outreach team is also available for community clean-up, Narcan trainings, as well as tabling events and educational presentations.